Share The Khair Charitable Foundation


Krishibid B.I.Siddique

Welcome to the webpage of “Share The Khair Charitable Foundation”. I am honored and excited for the opportunity to serve as the first President of this foundation.  

Our fastest-growing program of SKCF is health & treatment support to the poor, which we started in 2010. The idea was to establish a nonprofit charity as free food distribution, education & health support to the underprivileged.

Appreciable for all kinds of support from our respected donors and I hope you will continue to join us in our future endeavors as we bring solutions to the world. 


Dr. Sultan Siddique

‘Khair’ is an Arabic word which means goodness. When I reflect on my life, I am grateful to the Almighty for all the ‘khair’ He has bestowed on myself and my family. I grew up in a culture of sharing and being selfless, especially taught by my parents and grandparents. Hence our motto is ‘Spread Goodness, Be Generous’.

We would like to spread the same ‘khair’ that the Almighty has given us to the underprivileged Bangladeshis so that they can become more self-sufficient and independent. Through Share the Khair, we hope to empower men, women, and children through giving them what is most beneficial to everyone. We want them to thrive, not just survive.

Share the Khair is a non-profit 100% charitable organization, which has no affiliation with any political or religious entity. This organization has no other motive than to help the needy and the poor. This organization is funded by donations and zakat money received from halal earnings from individuals living in Bangladesh and in abroad.

We have been sharing the ‘khair’ for the last 2 decades on a progressively bigger scale. We have the experience, infrastructure, and workforce to run this organization efficiently. Share The Khair is committed to full financial transparency and accountability and abides by the strict legal and regulatory guidelines and timely audits to ensure that this organization delivers the trust and donation that you are placing on us without any misuse or mismanagement.

Allah has promised and assured us repeatedly so that our vacillating hearts do not escape from increasing our bank accounts both in this world and the hereafter by donating generously.

“Verily, those who give Sadaqat (i.e., Zakat and alms), men and women, and lend Allah a goodly loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and theirs shall be an honorable good reward (i.e., Paradise).” – The Quran 57:18.

General Secretary

Jamil Ahmed Siddique

We know that each day is bringing significant challenges and pressures on the operations of nonprofit organization as SKCF and on their leadership. We also know that nonprofit leaders rise to challenges every day with ingenuity, compassion, resilience, fortitude, and integrity. In times like these, nonprofit organizations in our communities stand shoulder-to-shoulder, and we encourage you to stand at their backs.

I do love the charitable works, and along the way we have created a family of colleagues who truly enjoy working together and are devoted to our unique mission for the needy peoples.

As a General Secretary of the SKCF, I will try my best to bring the happiness for the underprivileged.

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